Ministerul Muncii, Familiei °i Protec˛iei Sociale

Ministerul Muncii, Familiei °i Protec˛iei Sociale
Ministry of Labour, Family, Social Protection and Elderly

The Ministry of Labour, Family, Social Protection and Elderly (MoLFSPE) is a specialized public institution within the central public administration, subordinated to the Government, which coordinates the application of the strategy and politicies of the Government of Romania in the fields of labour, family, social protection and elderly, according to the applicable legislation. MoLFSPE is also a Managing Authority responsible for the administration of EU funding within the Sectoral Operational Programme for the Development of Human Resources (SOPHRD).

MoLFSPE has the purpose of drafting and implementing the legal framework necessary for ensuring a positive and dynamic interaction of the social and employment policies, in order to improve the quality of the life of all citizens, ensure social cohesion, equal opportunities between women and men and reduction of poverty rate and the risk of social exclusion, through a qualitative social assistance system, equitable and accesible for all citizens.

The Social Assistance System through its components – social assistance benefits (financial transfers) and social services, has the scope of ensuring protection for poor and vulnerable persons. The accuracy in identifying and targeting the most vulnerable persons, eligible for social assistance benefits, has been continuously improved since 2010, through the legislative framework enhancement and the implementation of the Project for the modernization of social assistance system in Romania, with the support of World Bank experts.

A comprehensive reform of the social assistance system is ongoing. The Strategy of the Government in this field, sets the ground for the reform, based on clear results, regarding the equity and efficiency