Ministerstvo práce a sociálních věcí
Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs
Czech Republic

The Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs (MoLSA) was established in 1990. It is a central government authority responsible for social security, social inclusion, employment and labour market policy, family policy as well as equal opportunities of men and women. The activities of Molsa are focused on the areas of social insurance, non-contributory social benefits, social inclusion and integration, social services, persons with disabilities, labour law, active employment policy, working conditions, labour migration, family issue, social dialogue, the elderly, European Social Fund, gender equality and others. MoLSA provides methodological guidance for Labour Offices, Czech Social Security Administration, State Labour Inspection Office, Regional Labour Inspectorates and for the Office for International Legal Protection of Children. MoLSA supervises three Government-funded organizations: the Research Institute for Labour and Social Affairs, the Institute for Occupational Safety Education and the Occupational Safety Research Institute.

Cooperation with China
In 2005, bilateral cooperation between the MoLSA and the Ministry of Labour and Social Security of the People’s Republic of China (today the Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security) was commenced. In December 2005, the Ministers signed a Memorandum of nderstanding which formed the basis of cooperation. The expert cooperation mainly focused on the area of social security. The MoLSA also hosted numerous delegations from various provinces of China. The meeting mostly focused on the social insurance schemes. In 2012, the MoLSA commenced negotiation on bilateral Social Security Agreement with the Chinese Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security