limited liability company incorporated in 2001 and 100% owned by INPS
(National Security Institute).
According to the art. 3 of the Corporate’s Bylaws, the mission of the
Company is to provide administrative and accounting products and
services, including tax services, in the area of Social Security
together with the collection of contributions and payment of benefits
of supplementary pension funds. S.I.S.P.I. provides such
products\services to both social security public and private social
security Institutions\Funds, as well as other services related to the
institutional tasks of INPS or other possible partners.
The Company provides global services to “Gestione Commissariale Fondo
Buonuscita Poste”, which is a legal entity entrusted to pay to Poste
Italiane S.p.a. employees, severance indemnity for the period before
February 1998, date on which the Italian Postal Administration turned
into a limited liability company.
Furthermore, S.I.S.P.I. supports INPS in managing services directly
commissioned by the parent entity according to specific administrative
needs. Such services include:
- • administrative, information
technology and accounting services to FONDINPS, a supplementary
pension Fund managed by INPS;
• administrative and information technology services to different associations representing the social labour parts providing benefits in favor of employees belonging to different industries.