Federal Public Service Social Security 

Service Public Fédéral Sécurité Sociale
Federale Overheidsdienst Sociale Zekerheid
Föderaler Öffentlicher Dienst SozialeSicherheit



The Belgian Federal Public Service Social Security, formerly known as ‘the Ministry of Social Affairs’, offers high-quality support with regard to the elaboration and preparation of social policies in Belgium.
The FPS Social Security also coordinates all Belgian public social security institutions.
The service has expertise in all fields related to social protection policy: pensions, accidents at work, occupational diseases, unemployment, health insurance, child benefits…

The FPS Social Security founded BELINCOSOC (Belgian International Cooperation on Social Security). This dedicated service unites all Belgian public social security institutions and is aimed at providing technical assistance in the field of social protection, in European and other countries.
BELINCOSOC manages projects geared towards assisting other countries with social policy reform and implementation.