Protection Reform Project
Task Force on Project Technical Coherence and Synergies
December 2018)
Who is Who (EU, Consortium, Main stakeholders)
Opening and Closing ceremonies
The Grant application form
Project mid-term, final evaluations
Assigned goals and expected results
Who is Who (SISPI, Project office)
Project coordination meetings
Meetings with member States
The Task Force (ToR, Plan of action)
Comparison across recommendations
Who is Who (Counterparts, Coordinator, Project Team, NDRC,
Audience of Project results
List of countries visited
The 2016 High Level Event
Policy recommendations
Assessment and other reports
Workshops and other meetings
Dialogue and Study visits
9 National partners
(MoHRSS, ACFTU, CASS, Renmin etc.)
Memoranda of Understanding
Who is Who (Counterparts, Coordinator, Project Team, MoF,
Audience of Project results
List of countries visited
The 2018 Special Event on Ageing
Policy recommendations
Assessment and other reports
Workshops and other meetings
Dialogue and Study visits
Memoranda of Understanding
Who is Who (Counterparts, Coordinator, Project Team, MOCA,
Audience of Project results
List of countries visited
The 2015 High Level Event
Policy recommendations
Assessment and other reports
Workshops and other meetings
Dialogue and Study visits
Memoranda of Understanding
The EU-China Social Protection reform project was to
assist the Chinese central Government in its efforts to further
develop social equity throughout its society, by contributing to a
more inclusive and harmonised social protection system nationwide.
Specifically, and as provided for in the Commission-approved China MIP
2011-13 (ref. Part III, 3.1.2), the SPRP project was to enhance the
institutional capacity and policy effectiveness of the leading
National Development and Reform Commission (NDRC) and to strengthen
coordination of policy making among government agencies (Component 1).
It cooperated with the Chinese Ministry of Finance (MoF) to establish
an appropriate management and supervision mechanisms for fiscal
support (Component 2). It assisted the Chinese Ministry for Civil
Affairs (MoCA) in upgrading the legal framework regulating social
security delivery and policy enforcement for social assistance
(Component 3).
This project was conducted between 17 November 2014 and
16 November 2019 ? of an initial duration of 4 years, it was extended
by one year within the originally allocated budget of 7 million euros
for technical cooperation (EU budget. Counterparts? input estimated at
1 million euros). It is a
successor of the EU-China Social security reform cooperation project -
Europe Aid/125029/C/SER/CN ? conducted between November 2006 and May
fiche of the EU-China Social protection reform project
The overall scope of the SPRP project is to further
develop social equity and inclusiveness of economic development
throughout Chinese society.
The project is implemented by a Consortium of 10 public
and semi-public institutions, representing 7 European Union Member
States. The Istituto Nazionale della Previdenza Sociale INPS ? was
designated by the Consortium as its Leader and ensures the overall
management and supervision of the project.
For each of the three Components, one of the Consortium
Members was designated as Component Coordinator, in charge of
implementing the activities for each Component and reporting to the
Project Leader. The Component 1 Coordination has been assigned to the
French Partner, Expertise France, which legal entity was previously
named ADECRI. The Component 2 Coordination has been designated to the
Italian Partner, INPS, after the first year of the project when it was
assigned to Formez. The Component 3 Coordination has been assigned to
the Polish Partner, the Ministry of Family, Labour and Social Policy,
which legal entity was previously named Ministry of Labour and Social
Each component is coordinated on the field by a Resident
Expert, one of them being also Team Leader. Resident experts work on a
daily basis with the local support staff, as well as with European and
Chinese experts mobilized to implement the project?s activities.
Who is Who (EU, Consortium, Main stakeholders)
Project implementation was jointly monitored by the EU
in China and the Chinese Ministry of Commerce
The responsibility for the project was incumbent upon a
consortium consisting of:
Nazionale della Previdenza Sociale (INPS); Italy
Italiana di Servizi per la Previdenza Integrativa (SISPI SPA);
Public Services Social Security (FPS Social Security); Belgium
of Family, Labour and Social Policy (MRPiPS); Poland
of Labour, Family, Social Protection and Elderly (MoLFSPE);
of Employment and Social Security (MEySS); Spain
and Iberoamerican Foundation for Administration and Public
Policies (FIIAPP); Spain
Française d'Expertise Technique Internationale (Expertise
France); France
of Labour and Social Affairs (MoLSA); Czech Republic
Nazionale dell?Amministrazione (SNA); Italy
The project core Chinese partners were:
The National
and Reform Commission (NDRC P.R. China)
The Ministry
Finance (MoF P.R. China)
The Ministry
Civil Affairs (MoCA P.R. China)
Other Main Chinese Stakeholders were:
The Ministry
of Human Resources and Social Security (MoHRSS)
The National
Health and Family Planning Commission (NHFPC)
The Chinese
Insurance Regulatory Commission (CIRC)
The All-China
Women?s Federation (ACWF)
The All-China
Federation of Trade Unions (ACFTU)
The Legislative
Affairs Office of the State Council (LAO)
Opening and Closing ceremonies
The project opening ceremony was held in Beijing on 15
September 2015 on the occasion of the 2015 EU-China High Level Forum
on Social Protection Reform Challenges for Legal Framework of Social
The project closing ceremony...
The Grant application form
The final project
application form was submitted to the European
Commission in October 2014. It consists of a main text describing the
situation in the area of social protection reform of China, and the
means envisaged to address the corresponding challenges, supplemented
by standard
annexes. A
version was submitted by the Consortium in July
2018 to substantiate the request for extension of project activities
into the year 2019.
Brochures presenting the project and its activities were
published and disseminated in 2015, 2016 and 2017.
The project advisory committee PAC - see
below - is the body advising the EUD and MOFCOM
in their project monitoring functions. On the occasion of each PAC
meeting, the Consortium produced an Aide-memoire summing up activities
conducted to date, and proposals for future activities. The PAC
meeting amended and endorsed the Aide-memoire, which thus became the
main project governance instrument.
Pursuant to the EU rules governing technical cooperation
projects, the Consortium had to produce annually an Interim report to
evidence progress made towards meeting its objectives as embodied in
relevant indicators, through its programme of activities.
Project mid-term, final evaluations
Pursuant to EU rules concerning technical cooperation
projects, a mid-term evaluation was conducted in April 2017. The
Project final evaluation took place in...
The project logical framework details the indicators used
to monitor the achievement of desired project results. The original
Logical framework was amended during project implementation to take
into account the evolving overall situation in the field of social
protection reform and recommendations from the mid-term evaluation
mission. Amendments were upheld during PAC meetings.
1.9 Assigned goals and expected results
The project is to pursue the following assigned goals
and to achieve the corresponding results:
Assigned goals
Component 1 |
Consolidation of institutional capacity for
social protection policy development and reforms in
collaboration with the National Development and Reform
Commission (NDRC). |
Component 2 |
Enhancing of institutional capacity for financial
management and supervision concerning social security funds in
collaboration with the Ministry of Finance (MoF). |
Component 3 |
Improving of legal framework and policy for
social assistance in collaboration with the Ministry of Civil
Affairs (MoCA). |
Expected Results
Horizontal |
R1 |
The mechanism for EU-China high level policy
dialogue on social protection reform is established and
partnerships with the Specialized Public Bodies of EU Member
States and the National Development and Reform Commission
(NDRC), the Ministry of Finance (MoF) and the Ministry of
Civil Affairs (MoCA) on social protection have been set up and
they are active. |
Component 1 |
R2 |
Under the leadership of the NDRC, coordination of
policy making among government agencies in areas related to
social protection reform is strengthened. |
R3 |
The capacity of the NDRC in policy development
and implementation, notably establishing and enforcing a
national policy evaluation technique in the area of social
protection, is enhanced. |
R4 |
National policy framework for a full coverage of
old-age insurance system throughout China is consolidated by
strengthening the interface of various schemes, pension
funding pooling, old-age insurance scheme for civil
servants/the employee of public agencies and the existing
multi-layer pension system. |
R5 |
Reform efforts in response to urbanization
trends, in particular the harmonization and integration of the
various basic social protection systems for different groups
of beneficiaries, the portability of social insurances and
better suited assistance schemes. |
Component 2 |
R6 |
The capacity of the MoF in management and
supervision of fiscal support to social security is
consolidated by the establishment of a unified statistic index
system and the development of an appropriate performance
assessment model. |
R7 |
National actuarial analysis model of old-age
insurance is developed by the MoF and the skills and knowledge
of provincial administrators in risk control of fiscal support
to basic pension fund are upgraded. |
R8 |
Reform efforts of the MoF in the management of
social insurance funds, focusing on fiscal support budgeting,
accounting system, investment techniques and adjustment
mechanisms for pension benefits are strengthened. |
Component 3 |
R9 |
The capacity of the MoCA for promulgating and
enforcing the Social Assistance Law and the regulations on
rural and urban minimum standards of living are strengthened;
the skills of local officials in policy transmission and
implementation are upgraded. |
R10 |
The legal frameworks on a) formulation of unified
standards for the estimation and calculation of social
assistance benefits, b) recognition of social assistance
target groups and c) identification of low-income families are
consolidated. |
R11 |
Efforts of the MoCA in improved care for poor
rural people and disabled people are strengthened, and public
information and transparency of social assistance policies are
raised at provincial level. |
Horizontal activities are directly connected with the
achievement of the project overall objective and, more generally, they
are essential for ensuring the coordination, the harmonization and the
effective accomplishment of the component-based results.
From its second year of functioning, the Project
structure reflected a clear segregation between component based and
horizontal activities. While overall coordination remained with INPS,
Italy, coordination for individual Components relied on the services
provided by two Secretariats ? Expertise France for components 1 and
3, SISPI Italy for Component 2 (and Horizontal).
Who is Who (SISPI, Project office)
The project IMC ? Internal Management Committee ? headed
by the project leader is composed of representatives from all members
of the consortium. It takes managerial decisions related to project
operation. While component based activities are entrusted to component
secretariats (see below, Chapter 3), horizontal activities are since
the second year of the project entrusted to SISPI, which joined the
consortium as an entity affiliated to INPS. A Project office has been
established in Beijing since the inception of activities. Rules of
Procedures adopted by the IMC govern the management of project
The overall supervision and support on project
implementation and the coordination among key Chinese stakeholders of
the three project components are ensured by a Project Advisory
Committee (PAC).
The PAC is co-chaired by a representative of the MoFCOM
(Ministry of Commerce) of the People?s Republic of China and a
representative of the EU Delegation in Beijing. Members of the PAC
include representatives of each Chinese partner institution ? NDRC,
MOF, and MOCA - and representatives of other relevant Chinese
Government agencies ? MOHRSS, ACWF, ACFTU, LOSC, CPDRC ?). The
representatives of the implementing Consortium will be invited to
participate as observers. The team of EU Resident experts and Team
Leader, skilled on technical aspects of the main themes of the
project, will attend the PAC meeting and act as Secretariat. The PAC
tasks include reviewing past project activities, and approving,
subject to amendments, future programmes of activities.
The PAC met on the following occasions:
meeting 24 February 2017
6 February 2018
Project coordination meetings
On Project coordination meetings, representatives of the
3 components meet with EU representatives to exchange views on their
respective experiences and ensure overall project coherence for future
Two project coordination meetings were held in Beijing,
in 2016 and 2017 respectively. In December 2017, a coordination
meeting was held in Rome gathering component representatives and
consortium members to prepare for possible project extension.
meeting, 11 July 2016
meeting, 12 January 2017
meeting, 1 December 2017
The bilingual project website is accessible publicly, at
the address http://www.euchinasprp.eu
. Originally designed by SISPI in collaboration with the project
office in Beijing, its responsibility was subsequently transferred to
China where the website is hosted and updated by flow.asia digital
As Secretariat in charge of project horizontal
activities, SISPI takes care of ensuring that project visibility
actions meet agreed upon standards and quality requirements (badges,
banners, stationary, accessories, website, publications ...)
Meetings with member States
Three meetings were arranged in Beijing to ensure that
Member States representatives are adequately briefed by Resident
experts on project development and goals.
Those meetings were held on 23 June 2015, 8 June 2017 and
9 February 2018. The briefing meeting in June
2017 was held jointly by the EUD, the project
team and the Chinese stakeholders.
The project issued 4
Newsletters that supplemented Component-based
quarterly publications. The Project Newsletters were posted on the
project website and circulated on the occasion of major project
The Project office was established in Beijing in February
2015. Headed by the Team leader, also Resident expert for component 2,
it was composed of an Office manager (only for the year 2015), a
financial/administrative assistant, one interpreter and 3 part-time
component assistants (from 2016 onwards). The assistant for component
2 also acted as a part-time assistant to the team leader.
The Project office covers all demands common to all three
components of the project, it interacts directly with the Project
leader office, and the secretariat for horizontal activities.
Project Office members
The Gantt Chart was the format adopted to show the
Project overall work plan. The Gantt was revised annually, and its
updated version included in the relevant Aide-Memoire. For
component-based activities, the Gantt distinguishes between the
project 3 phases ? identification phase, analysis phase and follow up
During its meeting on 6 February 2018, the Project
Advisory Committee expressed the desire that project activities be
better coordinated among components, so as to ensure internal
coherence and identify the potential for synergies. The Project leader
therefore decided to establish within the project office in Beijing a
Task Force on Technical Coherence and Synergies, which took effect on
20 April 2018 after being approved by the EUD. The Task Force
contributes to Result R1 of the project intervention logic,
with the following indicator attached: ?A Task Force to ensure
coherence and synergies in project intervention is established, which
contributes to enhancing the level of policy dialogue on social
protection reform between the EU and China?.
The Task Force (ToR, Plan of action)
The task force terms of reference were approved in March
2018. Its initial Plan of action covered 6 items, namely to ensure
that the Project provides appropriate responses to the main problems
and needs of the Chinese social protection system identified in the
Grant application form, that it addresses the recognized cross-cutting
issues, that activities conducted under one Component benefit to and
from inputs by other interested components (cross-fertilization),
reviews respective findings and recommendations of the project
components on similar or connected issues, with a view to ensure their
internal coherence, produces its own analytical works and publications
on issues it considers of relevance for project coherence and quest
for synergies, looks after the compilation, analysis and publication
of statistical and other data and materials supporting project
coherence and synergies, proposes and implements appropriate action
and activities to promote its overall coherence and synergies, and
that it ensures that compatible formats are used for similar outputs
from the various components (including Technical notes).
The Grant
application form had identified (pp.
7 & 8) seven areas for problems and needs encountered by
the Chinese social protection system through its development process.
The three components have evidenced, for each of these problem areas,
the response provided through their respective programmes of
The Grant
application form identified (page 9) four cross
cutting issues that permeate the various aspects of social protection
reform in China. Those are gender equality concerns; issues related to
disability; good governance; and, human rights issues. They were
addressed through a variety of project works, and a technical
note dealing specifically with disability issues.
Most of the project assessment and other research reports
come with bibliographical lists and references that could prove to be
quite useful for future works and researchers. At the suggestion of
the team leader, the Task Force therefore decided to explore the
possibility to compile those bibliographical references into one
single electronic publication, to be made accessible to all interested
(Work in progress)
list of references (sample )
The Task Force considered that the pilot publication on
statistics produced by the team leader in 2017 was quite useful for
both Chinese and foreign researchers. The Task Force therefore decided
to encourage the team leader to produce more of these pamphlets, to
which he agreed. It was proposed that the next two statistical
bulletins of the project deal with the Belt and Road initiative, and
Gender issues respectively.
0 - Economic growth and demographic trends - a province
Belt and Road Initiative (first draft)
As initially requested by the EU Delegation in Beijing,
the idea of producing technical notes is to provide a clear, simple
message about the most topical issues under discussion (relevance for
China and EU experience). They do not necessarily address primarily
Chinese readership but people from other Asian countries or indeed
other Regions where the social protection process is still lagging
(Work in progress)
produced by Component 1
produced by Component 3
Comparison across recommendations
Some similar issues were dealt with, albeit from
different angles, under more than one component of the project. It was
therefore considered as appropriate to monitor the recommendations
emerging from those various approaches of similar topics, to ensure
that they do not contradict each other, and indeed are compatible if
not mutually supportive.
(Work in progress)
Comparison among component recommendations:
The overall scope of the SPRP project is to further
develop social equity and inclusiveness of economic development
throughout Chinese society. To better describe the specific objectives
both problems/needs and cross cutting issues have been analysed in
order to define the three different Components of the SPRP project.
For each Component specific Chinese government entities have also been
identified. The three Components are the following:
1- Consolidation of institutional capacity for social
protection policy development and reforms in collaboration with the
National Development and Reform Commission (NDRC), China's ?super
ministry? and comprehensive policy making agency, responsible for
strategic overview of the national social and economic development of
2 - Enhancing of institutional capacity for financial
management and supervision concerning social security funds in
collaboration with the Ministry of Finance (MoF), responsible for
China's economic and public finance policy, the central government's
annual budget and for public finance legislations.
3 - Improving of legal framework and policy for social
assistance in collaboration with the Ministry of Civil Affairs (MoCA),
responsible for policy development in the area of social assistance
and the operation of the social assistance/welfare system
Component One was in charge of pursuing 4 of the 11
results assigned to the project. Its activities focused on three main
areas: inserting social protection in the overall national context ?
five-year plans, monitoring and evaluation, income redistribution,
governance considerations; contributing to the pension reform;
monitoring the interaction between employment promotion and social
protection policies.
Activities conducted in-country and abroad consisted
mainly of research, training, policy dialogue and development of pilot
schemes at the decentralised level.
3.1.1 Who is Who in Component One
The main Chinese stakeholder for Component One activities
is the Department of Employment and Income Distribution within the
NDRC. The NDRC Centre for International Cooperation is in charge of
practical operations within China.
On behalf of the Consortium, Expertise France acts as
co-ordinator. The Component secretariat is also handled by Expertise
The project team in Beijing consisted of a Resident
Expert, a component assistant and 2 main Chinese experts in charge of,
respectively, Research and Operations.
3.1.2 Results pursued
Component 1 was in charge of pursuing project results R.2
to R.5. It did so focusing of the main related challenges affecting
the China social protection system, for which it formulated a number
of policy recommendations, drawing inspiration from in-depth national
analysis of the situation and relevant European experience.
The project component 1 produced two reports summarising
the overall situation concerning the pension system in China and its
need for reform, which were the main focus of its activities. The
first report (2015) presented a global picture, while the second one
(2017) insisted on the specificities of the system.
data of the Chinese pension system
striking features of the Chinese pension system
3.1.4 Audience of Project results
The realm of Component 1 project beneficiaries includes
beyond the main Chinese stakeholders, the National Development and
Reform Commission, a wide array of ministerial bodies and nation-wide
NGOs. The final beneficiaries are indeed workers and employers of
China, as well as generally speaking the Chinese people themselves.
of Project results (Component 1)
Under each of the Results
assigned to the project, the Grant application form foresaw that a
list of topics would be explored, that were deemed to concur best to
the pursuance of said results. The list was to be revised and adjusted
to better reflect the priorities of the Government and the evolution
in the prevailing economic and social context. As far as Component One
was concerned, the initial list of 18 topics was amended on a yearly
basis, to cover all relevant aspects of reform in social protection
policy and employment promotion.
C1 Activities facilitated contact between Chinese and
European Experts on 140 opportunities. This involved 126 EU experts
(1/3 female, 2/3 male) from 17 countries and 3 international
organizations ? ILO, the WB, OECD.
High level Chinese specialists involved in C1 project
activities numbered 36, contributing to national researches conducted
on 16 technical topics.
(work in progress)
3.1.7 List of countries visited
Overseas activities conducted under Component One
programme of Activities included High-Level training (4), Policy
dialogue (3), International Workshops (3 ? one more was organized in
China), Study visits (4) and pilot Provincial contacts (2).
(work in progress)
Summary of works conducted by respective components was
included in half-yearly Component
reports and submitted to the EU as evidence of
tasks accomplished under yearly Interim
reports. The 2016 High Level Event
The project Grant
Application Form provided for the organization of
?high profile? international Conferences in order to ?set up the conditions for activating and cultivating a close cooperation
with all the actors of the SPRP project (Result R.1)?. Such
events were expected to be organized yearly from 2015 ? the HLE
assigned to Component 1 took place in Beijing on 28 and 29 September
2016. It gathered over a hundred participants, at parity between Chinese
and European specialists coming from 11 countries and international
organizations, to exchange over the Perspectives of Employment Policy
and Social Security Reform in China and in Europe between 2016 and
2020. This period corresponds to that of the Chinese XIIIth five-year
Plan, and to the horizon chosen for the Europe 2020 Strategy for
smart, sustainable and inclusive growth. In total, some 20
communications were made by renowned Chinese and European experts and
decision-makers over five sessions co-chaired by high level Chinese
and European personalities.
The proceedings of the 2016 HLE were published in
three-volume publications in English and in Chinese.
3 - National monographs Policy recommendations
One of the major aims of the Project was to draft
selective recommendations for future reform proposals in the realm of
social protection, for the consideration of competent Government
organs, and primarily of the respective project partners.
Policy recommendations emanating from works conducted
under Component One programmes of activities were first discussed
under ad hoc internal
project fora (panel discussions and workshops)
and subsequently identified under yearly volumes (in English and
Chinese languages). They were publicly accessible from the Project
website to render continued broad discussion possible in all
interested circles. In 2018, a specific proposal on the structure of
the pension system for urban employees was elaborated by the EU C1
Resident experts, submitted to peer review and presented during
national meetings.
(work in progress)
Research work conducted under the framework of Component
One programmes of activities materialized in Assessment reports
produced by Chinese Experts on envisaged
topics, backed by reports on European situation
in corresponding sector ? the latter being either compendia of best
practices, comparative studies or national reports. Over the existence
of the project, a golden thread framed the choice of topics for any
given year, as follows:
- Fundamentals of Pension schemes
- Sustainability of a Reformed pension scheme
- Relevance and Efficiency of a Reformed pension system
- The Role of Social protection in Upholding Societal changes Workshops and other meetings
Findings from research works were discussed first
so-called panel discussion meetings, in fact peer reviews where
researchers (Chinese and some European) could submit their preliminary
findings to NDRC, the project office and EUD representatives and
International workshops where refined conclusions and recommendations
were submitted to a broader audience, including representatives from
most relevant international organizations. The 2016
High Level Event is to be considered as a
particularly important International Workshop. Other smaller events
also happened, like round table discussions or seminars.
(work in progress) Dialogue and Study visits
One of the important goals of the EU-China SPRP being to
facilitate interaction and mutual understanding among European and
Chinese decision makers in the areas of employment and social
protection, Component One yearly programme of activities included
Dialogue and Study visits organised abroad for NDRC high-level
officials at the central level. Those focused on themes related to the
topics under review for any given year, the choice of host countries
also being specific to the said topics. As part of the programme of
activities for Pilot
sites ad hoc Dialogue and study visits abroad
were included under 2016 and 2018 programmes of activities.
(work in progress)
and Study Visit (Migrant Workers)
and Study Visit (Employment and Social security)
and Study Visit (Income Redistribution)
2018 Dialogue and Study Visit (Active labour market
Dialogue and Study Visits (Managerial issues)
Yearly programmes of activities of Component One all
included high-level training organised overseas for some 20 to 25 NDRC
cadres, from central or provincial levels. Each training was conducted
over two weeks? time in one country, around one of the topics selected
for review in that given year. Sessions were a mixed of class-room and
on-the-spot training, with theoretical courses delivered by
experienced experts from both the host country and other European
countries. Training materials were compiled and published in English
and Chinese language, from dissemination by NDRC and use in its own
internal capacity-building activities. Participants in overseas
training activities showed a high level of satisfaction for these
exercises, as per the evaluation systematically conducted at the end
of the activities. In 2016, an ad hoc training on administration of
social security protection for migrant workers was held in Guangdong
province for NDRC and other Government representatives from Component
One pilot
(work in progress)
Training in France (Paris and Lyon) on Multitier pension systems
Training in Spain (Madrid and Valladolid) on Demographic Ageing
Training in Germany (Mainz and Berlin) on Evaluation of Social
Training in Italy (Rome and Milan) on Effects of and Trends in
Income Redistribution Policy
The Grant application form provided that, during the
inception phase, the Consortium will identify pilot sites if requested
by the Chinese stakeholders. Concerning C1 component, pilot sites were
identified and endorsed by the PAC meeting with the following specific
Rural-Urban Integration
Sichuan province, cities of Luzhou ?? and Zigong ??
Migrant Workers
Guangdong province, city of Huizhou
?? ; Sichuan Province
Activities involving Pilot sites were manifold. Conducted
since September 2015, Field
visits allowed the EUD, the project team, NDRC
and consortium members to get better acquainted with the reality and
expectations of concerned local authorities. Representatives of pilot
regions were whenever feasible and appropriate invited to take part in
activities organised in Beijing ? in particular the High
Level Event of 2016;
a training
course on portability of migrant workers? pension
rights was organised for senior officials from Guangdong and Sichuan
Province, also in 2016; a specific dialogue
study visit for Guangdong and Sichuan delegation
was organised to France and the Czech Republic around Social security
managerial issues, with particular reference to migrant workers. A
visit for Shanghai delegates on Demographic ageing was organised to
France and Spain late in 2018.
In March 2017, a joint Consortium ? NDRC ? Project team
mission was further organised in Shanghai and Guangdong Province to
identify the possibilities to respond to most present needs from local
authorities according to the Project means of action and fields of
competence. Expertise France acted as secretariat for this mission.
The identified areas for cooperation were not limited to project
duration but paved the way for extended bilateral cooperation. Within
project life, bilateral activities were designed and sponsored by
Component One for implementation
Guangdong Province, concerning both the use of
statistical tool for improving governance in social security
(Provincial level), and the design of a social protection
awareness-raising programme at the local level.
(work in progress)
Component one published one newsletter for the all year
2015, followed by quarterly bilingual issues. Component 1 Newsletters
were printed and mailed quarterly. Electronic version was dispatched
to some 200 addressees in China and abroad. The Newsletters were also
accessible from the project website.
(work in progress)
While the products of Component One activities were
systematically posted on the Project
website whenever available in both English and
Chinese languages, the Component team and its partners from NDRC still
felt it important to physically publish and dispatch on a regular
basis the results of their most important works. The Component notably
published yearly volumes of its Assessment
reports, which are a compilation of topical
researches on social security and employment policies. NDRC also
produced printed volumes reproducing training
materials used on the occasion of yearly overseas
9 National partners (MoHRSS, ACFTU, CASS, Renmin etc.)
Component 1 of the project entertained privileged
relations with entities and individuals interested in project works,
outside the circle of NDRC. The component has developed working
relations with several international organizations based in Beijing,
such as the ILO, the World Bank, the UNDP, the British Council, and
the Friedrich-Ebert-Foundation FES. Visiting European Experts and the
Resident Expert for Component 1 have taken part in a number of
meetings organized by institutions outside the project where they
contributed technical papers and made the project works under
Component One known by other interested circles.
(work in progress)
events with Component One participation
3.1.10 Memoranda of Understanding
Under its Result
R.3 related to NDRC capacity building in policy
development, the project Component One was notably to ensure that ?Memoranda of understanding or equivalent instruments (be)
discussed and concluded between NDRC and European partners, to use as
a basis for continued cooperation in social protection?. Under project activities, limited support was therefore
provided to the negotiation of such instruments with Spain, France and
the European Commission, through facilitating high level high level
bilateral contacts between NDRC and its institutional competent
As already mentioned, the proposed Cooperation
with pilot sites elaborated by Expertise France
also represented an instrument for continued cooperation, beyond
project life.
(work in progress)
3.2 Component Two
3.2.1 Who is Who (Counterparts, Coordinator, Project
Team, MoF, Secretariat)
3.2.2 Results pursued
3.2.4 Audience of Project results
3.2.7 List of countries visited The 2018 Special Event on Ageing Policy recommendations Assessment and other reports Workshops and other meetings Dialogue and Study visits
3.2.10 Memoranda of Understanding
3.3.1 Who is Who (Counterparts, Coordinator, Project
Team, MOCA, Secretariat)
3.3.2 Results pursued
3.3.4 Audience of Project results
3.3.7 List of countries visited The 2015 High Level Event Policy recommendations Assessment and other reports Workshops and other meetings Dialogue and Study visits
3.3.10 Memoranda of Understanding