General Topic Title Expert Year
Population ageing and its implications for the welfare system  Aging and labour shortage: EU and China Michele Bruni  2016
The aging process in China in an international perspective Michele Bruni 2018
 The Italian social  security policy response to population ageing   Michele Raitano 2018
Italian pension system Origin and evolution of the Italian Welfare System Gianni Geroldi  2016
The Italian Social Protection System: Flows, Performances and Trends Pietro Tommasino  2016
The Italian Social protection System: a Long Term Perspective Agar Brugiavini  2016
EU pension systems EU countries Pension Schemes: a Comparative analysis  Carlo Mazzaferro 2016
Pension systems across EU: a comparative analysis Gianni Geroldi 2017
The Czech Republic Pension System- the latest policy debate in the EU context  Jan Škorpík  2017
Sustainability of the pension nsystem The Italian Ministry of Economy - RGS model Rocco Aprile 2016
The INPS actuarial forecasts and evaluations Angela Legini 2016
EU Population Ageing and its effect on the sustainability and adequacy of pension, health, and Long-Term Care systems  Marcello Morciano 2017
Demography, economic growth and long run sustainability of social security system Gianni Geroldi 2018
 Measures to combat unemployment  Active labor market policies and welfare policies: best practices in the EU  Marinella Colucci   2018
Labour market policies and welfare polkicies in Italy  Stefano  Sacchi 2018
Atypical Employment and Social Security Coverage Social contributions collection and atypical employment: unsolved issues in the Italian case  Michele Raitano 2016
Atypical employment and social security coverage: a EU overview Koen Vleminckx  2016
Financing models for the pernsion system  The Acoss and Urssaf network: to ensure the financial resources for the French Social Security Bruno Gregoire 2018
Financing models for the pension system. Methodologies for pension contributions collection in Italy Maria Sandra Petrotta Ferdinando Montaldi
Second and Third pillars of the pension system-Financial management of the pension funds The role of private pensions to guarantee the financial sustainability in a context of aging population: different models and governance in the EU, asset and risk management in the pension systems  Agar Brugiavini  2017
 Pension funds in Italy. Issues and Perspectives  Mauro Marè,  2018
Pension funds in Italy: supervision, governance and financial management Mario Padula 2017
The Italian private, supplementary pension system: Structure, regulation, and supervision Ambrogio Rinaldi 2018
Asset management and complementary pension schemes   Ambrogio Rinaldi 2016
COVIP, The information to pension fund members for defined contribution pension plans: main issues and practical solutions    Elisabetta Giacomel 2018
Investment strategies for LGPS Funds in the UK - A look at current strategic investment allocation and new    policies on asset pooling in the UK’s biggest public sector pension fund Grayson Clarke  2017
Pension Fund portfolio management: risk&risk premium, diversification, allocation and governance Davide Cipparrone 2018
Financial Management of Complementary Pension Funds Riccardo Cesari 2016
Engaging people in retirement saving. Insights from cognitive sciences Nadia Linciano 2018
Social assistance: supervision and management The Means- testing in Italy: the  Italian Indicator of “Equivalent Economic Situation” (ISEE) Luca Sabatini,  2016
ISEE in details
Carmeliana Franzese 2016
Overview of means testing in MISSOC countries Jean Pilippe. Lhernould 2016
Means testing: the Slovenian experience Davor Dominkus 2016
Means testing: the Romanian experience Lacramioara Corches  2016
The Italian Social Assistance Registry   Maria Giovanna De Vivo 2016
Information platform development INPS; Means of control and preventing frauds: the Italian “Social Assistance database  Alessandro Longhi 2017
The income related benefits Valeria Bonavolontà 2016
The cancellation of pensions and social assistance benefits in case of the recipient's death: the Italian experience  Lucia Zimmaro 2017
The Belgian experience on the detection of social contribution fraud  Gaël Kermarrec  2016
Long term care: schemes, financing and management Long Term Care in EU countries Marcello Morciano  2016
Some case studies from the OECD Tim Muir 2016
Long term care system in Germany Markus Sailer 2018
Long term care system in Italy  Vincenzo Atella  2018
The French long term care system  Xavier Coyer 2017
Elder and disabled people care: services and governance – The experience in Regione Lazio Valentino Mantini
 Antonio Mazzarotto
Long term care: public intervention, role of the market & third sector  Giovanni Fattore  2018
New technologies in service of caring needs; technologies for distance monitoring  Mario Ciampi 2017
Occupations in the Long Term care sector and training needs: a 2060 scenario  Mario Catani 2018
MGEN-The French international experience in mutual insurance and long-term care insurance  Thierry Weishaupt  2017
 The Italian experience: the home care premium project  Maria Grazia Sanpietro 2016